
Least affordable

發佈時間: 2016/09/30

Least affordable

在香港置業的確艱難!瑞銀報告顯示,若想在香港的市區置業,一名專業人士至少都要不吃不喝18年半,置業負擔能力乃全球18個城市中最低(Hong Kong has the least affordable housing among 18 cities in the world)。

動詞afford解「支付得起、有足夠的……做某事情」,常說「能否」買得起、承受得起,所以常配搭be able to、can和could連用。例句:We can't afford to pay such a price for a car.(我們付不起這樣高昂的車價。)I was so busy today that I could barely afford the time to go to the toilet.(我今天忙得連上廁所的時間都沒有。)

形容詞affordable即是able to afford(能夠買得起),描述物品是否便宜、價錢合理,使人負擔得起。相反詞可以用unaffordable或加上not或least等負面字眼。例句:This shop sells nice clothes at a very affordable price.(這家商店出售漂亮但價格非常實惠的衣服。)Yes this flat is bigger and newer, but it is also even more expensive and unaffordable.(這間屋的確更大更新,但它亦更昂貴、更負擔不起。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery