
What goes around comes around

發佈時間: 2019/08/12

What goes around comes around


英文有句成語叫what goes around comes around,類似中文的「因果循環、自食其果」。《牛津字典》將它定義為︰「The consequences of one's actions will have to be dealt with eventually」,一個人的行為所造成的後果最終必定會出現。例如,I know one day you will get caught as I'm a big believer in what goes around comes around.(我知道有一天你會被捕,因為我非常相信因果循環。)The government officials may well be victims of their own policies. What goes around comes around.(政府官員好可能因自己設立的政策而受害,正所謂惡有惡報。)

另外,可以說you got what you deserved,是指「自食其果、活該」,與what goes around comes around一起用也可。例句︰She is terribly rude to her colleagues and is finally fired. What goes around comes around and she has got what she deserved.(她對同事非常無禮,終於被解僱了。因果循環,這是她應有的報應。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery