
Get hold of

發佈時間: 2016/09/07

Get hold of

在職母親聘請傭工或鐘點打理家頭細務,放工回家便可以輕鬆一下,享受天倫樂。不過,要聘請稱職、合心意的家庭傭工(get hold of a good domestic helper)談何容易?

口語get hold of有三個意思。在上述的語境,get hold of的意思是「找到(某人)」,to get hold of somebody即是to contact or find somebody。例句:Where have you been?Your mother has been trying to get hold of you for hours.(你去哪兒了?你的母親試圖找你好幾個小時。)Do you know where I can get hold of a good domestic helper?(你知道在哪裏可以找到好的家庭傭工嗎?)

除了to get hold of somebody,可以用to get hold of something,意思是「獲得、找到(某物)」,尤其是你想要或者需要的。例句:I know many of you want it but can't get hold of it.(我知道你們許多人都想要它,但找不到。)Where can I get hold of the limited edition book?(我在哪裏可以找到該限量版書?)

Get hold of還可以引伸指「理解(某事)」。例句:Relativity is a difficult theory to get hold of.(相對論是個難理解的理論。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery