

發佈時間: 2017/04/19


白宮周一舉辦「復活節滾彩蛋比賽」(Easter Egg Roll),奏起國歌時,美國總統特朗普竟然要妻子輕推一下提醒(gave him a nudge),才把手放在胸口,以示尊重。堂堂美國元首,連這麼基本的禮節都需要別人提醒。

名詞nudge,指「用肘輕推,以引起注意」,常用to give somebody a nudge。例句︰Melania gave the president a nudge to put his hand on his heart for the national anthem.(梅拉尼婭輕推總統,提醒他奏國歌時把放在胸口。)The teacher gave him a nudge to speak louder on the stage.(老師輕推提醒他在台上說話要大聲一點。)

Nudge亦可以用作動詞,例如,He nudged his son to remind him it was time to leave.(他用肘輕推他的兒子提醒他該走了。)

Nudge也可以指「數字、水平慢慢接近更高點或水準」。例句︰Flat prices and rents will continue to nudge higher in the next few years.(樓價和租金在未來數年將會持續上漲。)They are both nudging eighty.(他們都將近80歲了。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery