
Curiosity killed the cat

發佈時間: 2017/06/23

Curiosity killed the cat


英文有句諺語curiosity killed the cat,描述「因過於好奇而惹禍上身」,警告人不要做出不必要的調查或實驗,因為後果可以很嚴重。例句︰Don't put iron into the solution. The teacher didn't ask us to do so. Curiosity killed the cat.(不要將鐵放入溶液,老師沒有要求我們這樣做,不要因為好奇而惹禍上身。)

Curiosity killed the cat亦會用作提醒別人不要窺探人家的事情,知得愈少愈好。例句︰"Why did you leave the country all in a sudden last year?" "Curiosity killed the cat."(「你去年為甚麼突然離開這個國家?」「你最好不要多問。」)

有時亦可以說Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.,意思是「雖然過於好奇可能會惹禍上身,但是發現後的那種滿足感可以補償損失」。


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery