

發佈時間: 2017/11/17


孩子發燒(have a fever)總是叫父母非常擔心,「發燒會燒壞腦」的誤解讓家長更為恐懼。其實,引致腦部受損的真正病因是腦炎或腦膜炎。因此,除了紓緩孩子不適,找出發燒背後的病因最為重要。

名詞fever本身解「發燒」,加上形容詞high(高)、low(低)或者slight(輕微)可以說明發燒的程度。Fever一字常配搭動詞have(有)、run(發生)、suffer(患病)、cause(導致)、reduce(減少)等等。例句:He continued to have a slight fever for three days.(他連續輕微發燒三天。)The doctor said he had pneumonia that caused his high fever.(醫生說他患有肺炎,令他發高燒。)

Fever還可以引伸指「狂熱、興奮」,常用be in a fever of something。例句:The World Cup will raise the football fever again next year.(明年世界杯會再次引起足球熱潮。)The whole class was in a fever of expectation all the way to the amusement park.(去遊樂園途上,整班同學都迫不及待。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery