
Echo chamber

發佈時間: 2018/02/12

Echo chamber

謝安琪質疑流感疫苗成效的私訊被瘋傳,醫學界即群起反駁以正視聽。在資訊爆發的年代,真假混雜,社交媒體容易造成回聲室效應(echo chamber),我們更需要有批判思維,辨別是非。

Echo解「回聲」,又可以引伸指「附和」。例句︰I can hear a faint echo of my own voice in the bathroom.(我可以在浴室裏隱若聽到自己的回聲。)Her demand for an urgent review of the system finally found an echo in the medical society.(她要求緊急審視制度,終於在醫學界得到了回應。)

Echo chamber一詞早已收入《牛津字典》,定義為「An environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.」在echo chamber裏,人們只接觸到迎合自己信仰或意見,他們原有的觀點被強化,沒有考慮其他意見。例如可以這樣運用echo chamber一詞︰Such an extreme view ultimately grows within the echo chamber of social media and dominates the conversation.(這種極端觀點最終在社交媒體的回聲室內增長,並主導着大家的談話。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery