
Tax burden

發佈時間: 2018/03/02

Tax burden


名詞tax解「稅」,常配動詞有pay(繳交)、increase(增加)、raise(提高)、lower(降低)、cut(削减)、reduce(減少)等等。例句︰My friend has to pay one fourth of her income in tax.(我朋友要將工資的四分之一用於納稅。)The government has no plan to increase the salary tax.(政府沒有計劃增加薪俸稅。)

Tax有幾個常用的複合名詞(compound nouns),包括tax increase(增稅)、tax cut(減稅)、tax rate(稅率)、tax incentives(稅務優惠)、tax allowance(免稅額),還有tax burden(稅務負擔)。

有趣地,tax的另一意思正是「負擔」。要點出是對甚麼的負擔,可以用a tax on something。例句︰My wife's unreasonable requests and complaints are a constant tax on my patience.(妻子的無理要求和抱怨令我不勝其煩。)There are many characters in this novel. It must be a heavy tax on the reader's mind to remember them all.(這部小說有很多人物,讀者要記住他們,一定是沉重的負擔。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery