

發佈時間: 2018/04/30


小時候,見到又厚又沉甸甸的書就會怕怕,怎可能把它看完。後來,迷上(obsessed with)小說,覺得愈厚愈好,精采的故事不要完結。

動詞obsess解「着迷」,過分在意得有點困擾,經常牽掛着使縈迴於心,語氣誇張。例如︰It is wrong to assume that thin women are all obsessed about their weight.(不應該假設所有瘦的女人都過分在意自己的體重。)I was obsessed with the idea of going back to the university to teach and do some research.(我經常想回到大學教書和做點研究。)

Obsess可以用作指「非常喜歡」,比love一字誇張,是喜愛到着迷的程度。要說明對甚麼着迷,需要於obsess後加上介詞(preposition)with帶出。例句︰He is totally obsessed with his new hairstyle. He can't help talking about it all the time.(他對自己的新髮型完全沉迷,無時無刻都在談論它。)

My baby was obsessed with avocado for a whole month but then he never had it for a year.(我的寶寶迷上牛油果整整一個月,但之後一年他都不吃了。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery