
Out and about

發佈時間: 2018/05/21

Out and about

每每聽到親朋或同事確診得了癌症,心情都會非常沉重,但是並不絕望,因為有很多人能夠成功抗癌,如常外出走動(out and about)。

Out解「外面、外出、從……裏出來」。About除了常用指「關於」,其實也可以解「活動中、在四周」,例如,I were up and about early this morning.(我今天早起四處走動。)There was no one about.(附近沒有人。)

Out and about合起來解「能到戶外/能下床正常活動、活躍的」,尤其指病癒後,或者已經一段時間不能外出正常活動後。Out and about通常配搭動詞be或get使用。例句︰He is making a good recovery and should be out and about in a week.(他復元得很好,應該一星期內就可以正常活動了。)After weeks of intensive revision, we could finally get out and about.(經過幾個星期的密集溫習,我們終於可以出去走走了。)

由於out and about有「再次」正常活動的意思,所以經常配搭副詞(adverb)again。例句︰All his friends and family hope to see him out and about real soon.(他的所有朋友和家人都希望他能夠早日康復正常活動。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery