
Vacant property tax

發佈時間: 2018/06/11

Vacant property tax

政府研究徵收物業空置稅(vacant property tax)多時,希望防止發展商囤積,增加市場供應,以遏抑樓價。若只收數倍差餉,成效存疑,而且現時空置一手單位只有9,000個。

形容詞vacant解「空置的」、可供人使用的,可以用於形容座位、房間、建築物、土地等。例如,It's the peak travel season; only a few hotel rooms are still vacant.(現在是旅遊旺季,只有少數酒店房間空置。)All the three hospitals in this district have no vacant beds.(這區所有三家醫院都沒有空置病床。)

Vacant也可以用於形容職位「空缺」,是書面語。例如,He was well-qualified and was immediately offered the position of the department head when it fell vacant.(他非常合資格,在職位空缺時,立即被提升為部門主管。)

寫作時,vacant一字還會用於形容表情和眼神「空洞」,似乎沒有在思考。例如,I could tell from his vacant expression that he was not listening.(從他空洞的表情,我就知道他沒有在聽。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery