

發佈時間: 2018/09/28


又有超強颱風,預料「潭美」會於星期日逼近日本,可能從九州吹襲到北海道,橫掃(sweep)全日本。希望日本做好防風準備,減少損失及傷亡。動詞sweep本義解「打掃、掃除」。例句︰Can you help to sweep the floor, please?(你可以幫忙掃地嗎?)Sweep the leaves off the paths.(掃掉路徑上的樹葉。)

Sweep一字可以引伸出其他意思。文章開首提到颱風橫掃(sweep)全日本,sweep在這句指「快速而有力地移動、衝」--A very powerful typhoon will sweep a large part of Japan.(一個非常強大的颱風將橫掃日本的大部分地區。)又例如,The fire swept through the building in just a couple of hours.(火災在短短幾個小時內就蔓延到整座建築。)

Sweep也可以指「大獲全勝」,橫掃多個比賽或獎項。例句︰The London team swept the competition and won every round they were in.(倫敦隊橫掃比賽,並贏了他們參與的每一輪比賽。)He and his friend swept the season's competitions, including winning a $200,000 award.(他和朋友橫掃本季的比賽,包括贏得了20萬元獎金。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery