
Cut short

發佈時間: 2019/11/08

Cut short

臨近年尾,各大專院校陸續舉辦畢業典禮。大日子應該高高興興,卻被示威抗議的氛圍籠罩着。日前中大的畢業禮突然縮短(cut short),有外國大學甚至取消在港舉辦的畢業禮。其實,大學可以在維持典禮莊嚴與容許學生發聲之間取個平衡。

形容詞short常用於形容長度、距離或者高度「短、矮」。例如,It only takes a short walk to the park.(行幾步就到公園。)The tree in your house is quite short.(你家的樹很矮。)

Short還可以用來形容時間「短暫的、不足的」。例句︰I'm going to have another meeting and can only have a short conversation with you.(我要再開會,只能和你聊幾句。)The farmer complained the rain season was too short.(農夫抱怨雨季太短。)

Short在cut short一詞中是副詞(adverb),指「早、提前」,在原定安排或預期的時間之前完結。The graduation ceremony was suddenly cut short after degrees were conferred.(授予學位後,畢業典禮突然提前結束。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery