

發佈時間: 2020/02/14



Trap可以用作名詞,原意解「陷阱」,用於捕捉獵物,防止逃跑。例如,The mouse was caught in a trap.(老鼠被困在陷阱中。)There are wild boar traps in this forest.(這個森林裏有野豬陷阱。)

Trap可以引伸指「圈套、詭計」,即是陷入或難以擺脫危險或者不愉快的境地,常配搭動詞set或lay--set a trap、lay a trap指「設圈套」,fall into a trap指「墮入圈套」。例句︰The singer set a trap for a friend who she suspected of giving stories to the press.(那歌手因懷疑朋友向新聞界提供綫報而給她設圈套。)We often fall into the trap of depending too much on the Internet.(我們經常過度依賴互聯網。)

Trap也可以用作動詞,解「設陷阱」,可用句式to trap somebody into doing something(誘使某人做某事)。例句︰Many people were trapped into paying a high price for low-quality surgical masks.(許多人被誘騙付出高昂價錢購買劣質口罩。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery