
Guinea pigs

發佈時間: 2021/01/15

Guinea pigs


中文用「白老鼠」描述「實驗對象、供做實驗的人」,英文則用guinea pig,常用於指測試藥效的實驗對象。例句︰If a new vaccine is the only solution to COVID-19, someone needs to be the guinea pig.(如果新疫苗是解決新冠肺炎的唯一方法,則必須有人做白老鼠。)Scientists invited volunteers to be guinea pigs of their vaccine development.(科學家邀請志願者成為疫苗開發的白老鼠。)

Guinea pig還可以用於指「測試新系統成效的實驗對象」。例句︰The new education system needs to be well-researched of its effectiveness before it is introduced. Otherwise, our students will become guinea pigs.(在引入新的教育系統之前,需要對其有效性進行深入研究;否則,我們的學生將成為白老鼠。)

另外,guinea pig與pig(豬)無關,其原意是「天竺鼠」。


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery