

發佈時間: 2022/08/19


香港浸會大學透過今年推出的「優才運動員入學計劃」(Talented Athletes Direct Admission Scheme),取錄了6名精英運動員,包括奧運金牌劍擊運動員張家朗。

Talent是名詞,解「天賦、天才」。例如,His talent for martial art showed at an early age.(他從小就顯露出武術天賦。)You have so many talents to share with others.(你有很多才能與他人分享。)The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything about the way you recruit new talents for your company.(新冠疫情改變了公司招聘新人才的方式。)

Talented則是形容詞,解「很有天賦的、才華橫溢的、技藝高超的」,例如,a talented pianist(才華橫溢的鋼琴家)、a talented chef(技藝高超的廚師)。常用句式to be talented at something/doing something(具有某方面/做某事的天分)。例句︰Her teacher discovered that she was very talented at painting at a summer course.(她的老師在暑期班上發現她很有繪畫天賦。)Can anyone become talented at something if they keep on practicing?(如果持續練習,任何人都可以在某件事上變得有才華嗎?)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery