
Culture shock

發佈時間: 2022/10/07

Culture shock

終於「0+3」可以去旅行,體驗異地文化,接受文化衝擊(culture shock),豐富視野。

Culture shock一詞指因為身處不同國家的文化,而感到困惑和焦慮,shock一字用得很貼切。名詞shock解「震驚、令人震驚的事件」,有突然、意想不到之意,通常指不愉快的事件或經歷,引起負面的情緒或身體反應。例如,His sudden death came as a great shock to his family and friends.(他的突然離世讓他的家人和朋友都感到震驚。)It was a complete shock to her to find out her husband was cheating on her for years.(得知丈夫多年來一直有外遇,她非常震驚。)

Culture shock的程度或大或小,可以說a real culture shock、too much of a culture shock、a bit of a culture shock等。例句︰Moving from the country side to the city was a real culture shock to my family and me.(從鄉村搬到城市使我和家人感受到不小的文化衝擊。)I experienced a bit of a culture shock when I first arrived in Australia but quickly fell in love with it.(我剛到澳洲時經歷了一點文化衝擊,但很快就愛上了它。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery