
Peak hours

發佈時間: 2023/03/24

Peak hours

「三隧分流」方案終於落實,隧道費將調整,引入不同時段不同收費,分「繁忙時段」(peak hours)和「非繁忙時段」(non-peak hours)。

名詞peak一字原意解「山峰、高峰、最高點」。例如,It took him five hours to climb to the peak of the mountain.(他花了5個小時才爬到山頂。)He reached the peak of his career at a very young age.(他年紀輕輕就達到了事業的巔峰。)Real estate prices were at the peak two years ago.(房地產價格在兩年前達到最高點。)

在peak hours一詞中,peak是形容詞,解「高峰的」,用於描述「某事的最高水平」,或「最多人在做某事或使用某事的時候」。譬如,During peak times, the tunnel toll will be more expensive.(在繁忙時段,隧道費會更貴。)Traffic congestion is really bad at the Cross-Habour Tunnel at peak periods.(紅隧的交通擠塞狀況在繁忙時段真是非常糟糕。)We prefer travelling in the non-peak season to avoid the crowd.(我們喜歡在非旺季旅行,可以避開人群。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery