
Sticky inflation

發佈時間: 2023/06/23

Sticky inflation


形容詞sticky的本義解「黏的」,例如,sticky glue(黏黏的膠水)、sticky fingers(黏黏的手指)、a sticky floor(黏乎乎的地板)。想描述黏着甚麼,可以用be sticky with。例句︰The kitchen was sticky with grease on every surface.(廚房的每個表面都粘滿了油脂。)香港天氣潮濕悶熱,也可以用sticky形容。I hate the sticky weather we have these days.(我討厭這些日子又濕又悶熱的天氣。)

Sticky可以引伸解「棘手的、困難的」。譬如,How did you deal with the sticky situation?(你是如何應對這棘手情況的?)It was a sticky problem and took the manager a year to sort out.(這是個棘手的問題,經理花了一年時間才把它解決。)

Sticky用於形容通脹、價格,則指其變化膠着,對市場變化反應遲鈍。The UK inflation has been far stickier than expected.(英國通脹非常頑固,遠超預期。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery