
Anti-graft campaign

發佈時間: 2015/03/23

「香港勝在有ICAC」,我實在不能認同更多,難以想像要活在幾十年前貪污猖獗的香港。習近平的反貪腐運動(Xi Jinping's anti-graft campaign)不知會否同樣成功。

Graft在美式英文可以解「貪污」,英式多用corruption,74年港英時代成立的廉政公署便稱為Independent Commission Against Corruption。至於graft在英式英文,口語可以解hard work。

例句:He was accused of graft and put into the prison.(他因被控貪污而入獄。)After years of hard graft, she finally finished the book.(經過多年的拼搏,她終於完成了這本書。)

Graft又可以解「皮膚、骨骼等的移植」和「花草樹木的嫁接」。例句:Skin was removed from his bottom and grafted onto his leg.(從臀部割下皮膚,移植到他的腿。)In successful grafts, these trees can grow up to 3 metres high.(成功嫁接,這些樹可生長至三米高。)

撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery