
Data leak

發佈時間: 2018/10/29

Data leak


Leak一字可以用作動詞或名詞。Leak原意指「洩漏(液體或氣體)」,例如,You need to make sure the container doesn't leak.(你需要確保容器不會洩漏。)A gas leak can happen if a gas pipe is damaged.(如果燃氣管道損壞,可能會發生氣體洩漏。)

Leak可以引伸指「洩露(機密資訊)」。例句︰The company is conducting an investigation to see how the customer data has leaked out.(該公司正在進行調查,以了解客戶數據是如何洩露出來的。)The police has traced the leak to an IP address in Russia.(警方已將洩密事件追溯到俄羅斯的一個IP地址。)

過去分詞(past participle)leaked,可以用作形容詞,解「洩露的」。例如,The leaked data includes customers' names, telephone numbers and email addresses.(洩露的數據包括客戶的姓名、電話號碼和電郵地址。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery