
In lockstep

發佈時間: 2018/12/21

In lockstep


描述「緊跟着別人/其他事情的步伐」,步伐一致,時間和速度相同,英文可以用in lockstep with somebody / something。這描述非常生動形象,lockstep依字面可見是指「緊緊抓住、鎖住步伐」。例句︰Hong Kong's banks raised base interest rate by 25 points in lockstep with the US monetary policy.(香港銀行跟隨美國加息0.25厘。)

常見rise / fall / move配搭in lockstep with,指「上升/下降/移動的步伐一致」。例如,Flat prices in Hong Kong rise and fall in lockstep with the stock market.(香港的樓價跟隨股票市場上落。)Prices, productivity and wages will move in lockstep.(價格、生產力和工資將會同步。)

Be in lockstep也可以指「完全同意某人」。例如,The chairperson seemed to be in lockstep with the majority of the committee members.(主席與大多數委員會成員似乎意見一致。)Trump seemed to expect his followers to think and act in lockstep with him.(特朗普似乎期望他的追隨者能夠與他的思考和行動同步。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery