
Violent dispersal

發佈時間: 2019/06/17

Violent dispersal


動詞disperse可以解「驅散」,令人群朝不同的方向散去。例如,The police used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the protesters.(警方使用橡膠子彈和催淚彈驅散示威者。)Disperse一字也可以用於物品,指「消散、散開」,分散到更大的範圍。例如,The fog has dispersed.(霧已經散去。)Disperse the seeds evenly across the field.(將種子均勻地散在田上。)

Disperse的名詞是dispersal,常配搭的字詞有dispersal warnings(驅散警告)、dispersal directions(散布方向)、dispersal areas(散布區域)、crowd dispersal(驅散人群)、violent dispersal(暴力驅散)等等。例句︰The police has started to give dispersal warnings using a loud speaker to the group of about 200 protesters.(警方已經開始使用揚聲器向大約200名示威者發出驅散警告。)The police's violent dispersal of the crowd has drew enormous criticism.(警方暴力驅散人群引起了極大的批評。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery