

發佈時間: 2019/11/29


社會動盪影響不少行業,餐飲業似乎首當其衝,多家飲食集團已經發出盈利警告(profit warning)。不過,亦有小店大排長龍,以人情味留客。

名詞profit解「利潤」,反義詞loss解「虧損」,profit and loss即是「盈虧」。Profit可以簡單配搭萬用動詞have,例如,The company had a profit of $7 million last year.(該公司去年的利潤為700萬元。)

Profit一字亦可以配搭動詞make、earn、turn、show等等指「獲得盈利」。例句︰He made a profit of $2 million on his flat.(他賣掉房子賺了200萬元。)There's no point running a business which cannot turn a profit.(經營無法獲利的業務是毫無意義的。)

名詞profit除了指「盈利」,還可以解「好處、益處」。Profit用作動詞時,則解「受益」。例句︰There is no profit in curing the body, if in the process, we destroy the soul.(如果過程會摧毀心靈,則治癒身體也沒有好處。)We hope all participants will profit from the discussion.(我們希望所有參與者都可從討論中受益。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery