22歲吳景滔長文念亡母司馬燕 「很幸運成為你的兒子」

發佈時間: 2020/01/13

22歲吳景滔長文念亡母司馬燕 「很幸運成為你的兒子」


相關新聞:【司馬燕逝世五周年】前夫吳忠義與現任妻子一同悼念 童星囝囝吳景滔長大變型男

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(圖片:吳忠義IG )

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Today marks five years since you left us...Sometimes I can't believe how time passes so fast, and so slow at times, like a paradox. Like you aren't here anymore, but somehow you still are, spiritually. Making me believe in the impossible. Giving me the tools to achieve the unimaginable.(到今日您離開我們已有5年了...我不敢相信時間有時流逝如此之快,有時卻如此之慢,就像悖論一樣。就像你不在這裡了,但精神上你卻彷彿仍然存在。讓我連不可能的事也敢去相信,連難以想像的事也敢去實現。)

I may be always late to everything, but you taught me to never give up, no matter the circumstances. (可能我做任何事情都慢了一步,但是無論如何,您教過我要永不放棄。)

You taught me how to carry myself, how to dress, be cool, and how to understand people. I never understood any of it fully while you were here, but I see it now. It's hard to put yourself in others shoes until you've lived it. (您教會了我照顧自己,打扮恰當,保持討好個性和諒解別人。當你還在時,我從未真正理解箇中道理,但我現在看到了。除非親身經歷,否則很難設身處地為他人設想。)

I'm so blessed and thankful to be your son, and to have such a strong family. Nothing in life is easy, and life doesn't get easier. However, each year stems new growth. Life never stops teaching, so never stop learning.(能成為您的兒子,擁有如此強大的家庭,我自覺太幸運了,也心存感激。生活沒有容易的事,亦不會變得輕鬆。不過,人會隨年月成長,而生命是永無止境的教育,所以學習也永不停步。)

The beauty of being strong, and vulnerable is comprehensive. Love trancends time. Wherever you are I hope you see me kill it this decade. Love you forever and always.(堅強加上脆弱的美才算是完整。愛情能超越時間。無論您在哪裡,我都希望您能看到我在這十年間會有所成。永遠愛您。)

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