
Work from home

發佈時間: 2020/05/08

Work from home

隨着疫情緩和,愈來愈多人回到辦公室上班,但是很多人仍想留在家中工作(work from home)。單是省下乘車到辦公室的時間,已經有助工作與生活更平衡。

Work一字用作動詞,有多個意思。Work from home一詞中的work字指「工作」。例如,I need to work over 10 hours a day. It's really exhausting.(我每天需要工作10個小時以上,真是好累。)I work at the laboratory in the university.(我在大學的實驗室工作。)

Work除了指人「工作」,可以指物品「運作」。例如,The oven isn't working.(焗爐壞了。)This computer system can work on solar power.(這電腦系統可以使用太陽能運作。)

Work也可以解「有效、成功」,即是to be effective or successful。例句︰Italy has claimed that it has developed a coronavirus vaccine that works on humans.(意大利聲稱已研發出一種對人類有效的冠狀病毒疫苗。)

The recipe works after mother has adjusted the amount of water.(在母親調整好水量後,該食譜成功了。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery