

發佈時間: 2020/05/29


北京要訂立「港版國安法」,令很多人擔心香港是否仍然享有高度自治(a high degree of autonomy)。香港真的可以50年不變,馬照跑,舞照跳嗎﹖

Autonomy一字可以分開兩個部分:字首auto-和字根-nomy,前者解self(自己、自我),後者解law(法律),即是having its own laws(擁有自己的法律)。Autonomy就是解「自治、自治權」。例句︰Can we still confidently say today that Hong Kong has a high degree of autonomy from China?(今天我們是否仍然可以自信地說,香港擁有高度自治﹖)There are concerns that the national security law will fundamentally undermine Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom.(有人擔心《國家安全法》會根本地破壞香港的自治與自由。)

可以改變字尾,將名詞autonomy變成形容詞autonomous,解「自治的、有自治權的」。例句︰Hong Kong is autonomous from Beijing under the "one country, two systems" arrangement.(在一國兩制的安排下,香港是自治地方。)According to the Basic Law, Hong Kong is autonomous in all areas with the exceptions of diplomacy and defence.(根據《基本法》,除了外交和國防外,香港在所有領域都是自治的。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery