

發佈時間: 2021/01/06



動詞extend有「伸展、延長、擴大」之意,可以用於不同的語境。上文提到的extend指「延期」,用於描述期限。例如,The government has announced to extend suspension of face-to-face teaching until after the Chinese New Year holiday.(政府已宣布將暫停面授課堂延長至農曆新年假期後。)Restaurants used to extend their opening hours during Christmas.(以往在聖誕節期間,餐廳都會延長營業時間。)

Extend也可用於指「增加長度」、「擴大面積」。例如,We plan to extend the bridge to the west side.(我們計劃將橋伸延到西面。)We have limited budget next year to develop and extend the school campus.(我們明年預算有限,無法開發和擴建校園。)

Extend還可以引伸指「影響到、適用於」,譬如,The restrictions are extended to many types of premises, including beauty parlours, fitness centres, swimming pools and places of public entertainment.(該限制適用於許多類型的場所,包括美容院、健身中心、游泳池和公共娛樂場所。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery