

發佈時間: 2022/04/20



Ease可以用作動詞,解「減輕、緩解」,使事情變得沒那麼困難、嚴重、痛苦、不愉快。例如,Hong Kong will ease a series of social distancing measures tomorrow.(香港明天將放寬一系列社交距離措施。)

Having a warm bath helps me ease the pain on my knees.(浸一個熱水浴可以幫助我緩解膝蓋的疼痛。)

He wants to get a job soon and ease his family's financial difficulties.(他想盡快找到工作,幫助緩解家庭的經濟困難。)

The government must ease the tension in the area to avoid further casualty.(政府必須緩和該地區的緊張局勢,以免造成進一步傷亡。)

Ease也可以解「使安心」,常用to ease someone's mind(使某人安心、寬慰)。例句︰Filtering software can ease parents' mind while children surf the internet.(過濾軟件可以在孩子上網時讓父母放心。)

How can I ease your mind and show you that we'll always be together?(我怎樣才可以令你放心,讓你知道我們會永遠在一起?)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery