

發佈時間: 2022/05/04



形容詞quick解「迅速的、短暫的」,例如,I want to make a quick trip from London to Paris.(我想由倫敦快速去一趟巴黎。)I have had a quick glance at the content and I am not disappointed.(我快速看了看內容,並沒有感到失望。)

Quick加上字尾-en,可以變成動詞quicken,主要有兩個意思。首先,quicken可以解「使變快、使加速」。例句︰Hong Kong quickens to relax social distancing measures as the Covid spreads at low levels.(隨着新冠病毒在低水平蔓延,香港加快放寬防疫措施。)The company quickened the pace of adjusting its product varieties.(公司加快產品種類調整的步伐。)

第二,quicken可以指情緒、素質「受到激發」。例句︰The trip has undoubtedly quickened his interested in history and architecture.(這次旅行無疑加深了他對歷史和建築的興趣。)The war between Russia and Ukraine has quickened our awareness of the possible imminent World War Three.(俄羅斯和烏克蘭之間的戰爭讓我們更加意識到可能即將發生的第三次世界大戰。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery