

發佈時間: 2022/09/21


繼上周世衞表示新冠疫情有望結束後,美國總統拜登日前亦表示︰「我們仍然面對新冠肺炎的問題,仍在做很多工作,但大流行已經結束(But the pandemic is over.)……」

Over一字用途非常廣,上文提到the pandemic is over一句中,over用作副詞(adverb),指事件「結束、完結」。例如,By the time he arrived, the meeting was over.(當他到達時,會議已經結束。)

It's very hard to admit your marriage is over.(很難承認你的婚姻已經結束。)

The hot summer was finally over.(炎熱的夏天終於過去了。)

如果想加強語氣,可以說be all over(完全結束)。例句︰When the COVID is finally all over, one of the first things I want to do is visiting Japan.(當新冠疫情終於結束時,我想做的第一件事情就是遊日本。)

語氣再重些,還可以說get something over and done with,指「徹底結束、了結」不愉快的事情。例如,I just wanted to get the tedious chores over and done with as soon as possible.(我只是想盡快完成煩瑣的家務。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery